viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Sondra's Situation

Dear Sondra,
I've heard what has happened to you.Thank you for writing to me , I'm going to help you.If that girl is really bothering the best tip I can tell you is to talk to her about what has happened.If that really dosen't work you should talk to an adult,your teacher,your parents anyone you know that can solve your problems and you are not ashamed to talk to.

My last tip and the most important one is to ignore them don't talk to them , don't write to them ,try to not even talk to them.Sondra try to write to me if something changes or if it dosen't. I'm going to tell you more ways for this situation as fast as possible.

Your sincerely,

DR.Chip Micro.

my glogger

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

My First Blog Entrance

This blog entrance is going to talk about myself.
I love to dance , because it makes me feel free , it makes me excited and happy.My dad is from Argentina he is the P.E. teacher from the school.I love music specially before night. My brother plays the guitar and his girlfriend sings.My sister works at a shopping mall. I am a BELIEBER and a DIRECTIONER !!!
This year I would like to learn two things in ICT.The first one is that i would like to learn how to use photoshop or multimedia.I would like to learn that because I really like photography.In my ITouch i have about 8 photography apps.the other thing I would like to learn is how to create web pages , I would like to learn that because I want to have a dancing web page .